Thursday, October 27, 2022

How to make your Twitter business account more visible?

Managing social networks is not an easy task. Each of them has a specific audience and the language used is different. However, despite the fact that it is increasingly difficult to reach more people with organic content alone, networks continue to be a fundamental part of any marketing strategy since they allow brands to strengthen their relationship with users, give them greater visibility on the network, and can position them as benchmarks in their sector.

In other posts, we have talked about the operation of Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest and today it is the turn of Twitter for companies. Do you want to know how to correctly manage your business profile? Know the best tips to reach more people and be more visible? Then don't miss this article.

What are the advantages of using Twitter for business?

Before analyzing the tips to use Twitter for companies as a true expert and increase the visibility of your business on the network, it is important to know what this platform can do for you, since, as we mentioned above, its uses are different compared to Twitter. others.

Twitter allows you to offer personalized customer service

One of the great advantages of Twitter is that it helps you improve communication with your users. In fact, there are many companies that use it as an additional channel for customer service and quickly resolve any questions or problems that customers have.

On the other hand, it also allows you to know what they say about your company and better understands your audience. With all the information you collect, you can improve your strategy and even optimize the products and services you offer to adapt them to the needs of your customers.

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It has a diverse and varied public

Unlike other platforms such as LinkedIn, there are all kinds of people on Twitter, making it very easy to find your niche on the social network regardless of your sector.

With Twitter for companies, you can generate more traffic to your website

In addition, you also have the opportunity to use the social network to publicize your new products, blog articles, and news... and add a link to your website to increase your organic traffic.

You can improve your position at Google

Did you know that Twitter positions very well in Google? Without a doubt, another great benefit is to make your brand more visible on the Internet.

Tips for using Twitter for business and getting more visibility for your business

Now that you know everything that Twitter can do for your business, it's time to delve into those tasks that will help you improve your presence on the platform, get more followers and remain a benchmark in your sector.

The biography is better with hashtags

As you know, Twitter allows you to search by hashtags and by words, so a good idea to be more visible is to optimize your business biography by adding the keywords and hashtags that best define your brand.

Include a good profile photo and a cover image

Yes. We know that this advice is very obvious, but you would be surprised to know how many companies leave this section aside.

Would you trust a business that has the classic egg that comes by default on Twitter as its profile picture? Surely not, right? Without a doubt, it is a practice that implies that the brand does not care about its social networks and also gives rise to mistrust. That is why it is important that you upload both an attractive image for your profile and a photo for the cover.

On the other hand, remember to adjust to the recommended sizes for this platform, since they are not the same as in other social networks and, something fundamental, is that they are of good quality.

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Use hashtags in your updates

In addition, you should also accompany your posts with hashtags. Of course, do not fill your tweets with too many, use the ones that best fit you, but without going overboard. An idea may be, for example, to add two that are more popular, another two specific to your sector, and one of your own, designed to better work with the brand.

Post valuable content

We have already said it on more than one occasion and Twitter does not escape this maxim: content is king . If you want to attract new followers and retain your audience, you must offer them interesting content.

At this point, you have many options, from publishing news in your sector to publicizing new products, organizing sweepstakes, or sharing information from external sources.

Answer the responses of your followers

Of course, don't forget to retweet those messages that add value to the company, such as a good review of one of your products or services. It is also important that you answer the questions raised by users on the network, in this way you will improve their relationship with them and they will see you as a reliable brand that cares about its customers.

Monitor your activity on Twitter

Twitter has an analytics section that will help you to know in depth the impacts of your publications as well as the engagement or the comments and likes of the tweets that you share.

If you want to achieve continuous improvement and position yourself as a benchmark in this social network, you must study the metrics it provides and find ways to optimize your strategy.

What do you think of our tips for using Twitter for business? Are you ready to create your profile or give it a boost? We are sure that with this guide you will be able to start improving your account and, if you need extra help, do not hesitate to contact us.

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