But, above all, Castilla considers it important to make a physical, chemical, and biological diagnosis of the soil "so that an analysis of the horizons, depth, and texture can be made in order to diagnose the state of the soil."
In the opinion of Professor Víctor Montaña, professor of the Agronomic Engineering program at the University of La Salle, it is important not to think about a “land and lot clearing” since it “is not contaminated. In agricultural societies we do not make such an aggressive intervention ”.
After making this point clear, the expert consulted by Agronegocios recalls that fundamentally due to marketing, environment, and culture, producers repeat the same crop year after year. "For example, in cold weather, hot potatoes, rice, and that repetition each cycle cause the soil to lose nutrients, but it is not that it becomes contaminated or should be cleaned."
Therefore, the main recommendation is to apply the rotation depending on the type of crop and the times established for harvesting. "In this way, I am providing conditions for the soil to regenerate."
Both experts agree on the importance of consulting professionals who can provide solutions tailored to the needs of each producer.
Finally, when moving from one type of crop to another, after the second has been implemented and its production phase started, help with fertilizers is also recommended but with more force than if the land were in crop number one, as it requires momentum to resume proper operation.