Friday, September 17, 2021

Frequent mistakes when pronouncing in English

"I speak so bad English that when I order a beer I don't know if they are going to bring me a bird, a beard, a bear, or a beer." Does the joke ring a bell? Have you experienced it first hand? Indeed, there is a lot of confusion with these words. And if not, try saying The bear with a beer was bare for a beard.

There are differences between vowels with the same sounds. This is something that usually happens for example in the words beer and bird, or the very famous sheet and shit. The trick here is to always pronounce the combination "ee" with the vowel "i" of our language, while words with "i" as the second case of each example, it is better to pronounce them with an "e" of our language, but very soft.

Confusing the / S / with the / Z /

The English have up to four different ways of pronouncing the "s" and only one looks like ours. See, strange ...

However, the intervocalic "s" is pronounced in a way similar to our / z / (sounds like a buzz) but softer and more subtle: as in Busy, easy ...

Especially difficult for Spaniards is the "S" at the beginning of the word since it is hardly pronounced. While the Spanish tend to pronounce "Spain", the English barely mark the "S" and there is no "E" sound in front.

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Using the / R /

Another characteristic example: the Spanish / r / is strong and marked, it is a vibrant phoneme, however in English it is hardly pronounced, and when it does it is with a sound very close to our “ere” as in face.

The sound of the / H /

In Spanish, the sound of the letter “h” is mute, however in English, it is pronounced. The English phoneme [h] is softer than the “jota” in “ja-hee-hee-ho-Ju”, and it does not sound with the throat, as we make it sound in Spanish. It is rather equivalent to the sound of exhaling loudly that we make when we are tired, or when we sigh; or when we have run out of breath when quickly climbing a ladder.

If you think about it, Hispanics are reasonably used to that sound, even if it's not a sound that we use in Spanish. It is the sound of "Help!", "Hair", "hardware", "happy", "house", "heavy", etc. In a way we have already accustomed the ear to know that these words are not pronounced with the Spanish “jota”, but in a somewhat softer way.

The letter / C /

The letter 'C' is pronounced as a 'S' c hen's followed by 'E', 'I', 'Y' . Ex: ' Cinema '.

It is read as a 'K' when followed by ' A', 'O', 'U', 'K'. Ex: ' cake' .

Instead, you have to vocalize it as 'CH' when it is followed by an 'H' . Ex: 'church'.

V or F

This is another great difficulty for Spanish speakers since in Spanish, they both sound the same. Although the B is the same as in Spanish, a deaf sound, the V is voiced, and therefore it approaches (without going over) the F and vibrates.

Compare for example the words vet (veterinarian) or bet ( bet)

The morpheme - ed

The simple past and the past participle are easy, they are formed by simply adding “-ed” to the end. However, you have to be careful with that ending, which is not always pronounced the same:

It is pronounced / ɪd / when preceded by “t” or “d”, such as in wanted, expected, needed, or awarded.

When immediately preceded by any voiced vowel or consonant, it is pronounced / -d / , as in the cases of played, bargained, touched, or moved.

Finally, when “-ed” is preceded by a hollow sound, it is pronounced as / t /, for example, liked, tapped, jumped, or packed.

Our advice is that after knowing the main differences, dedicate your effort to train your ear without stress. You will see how progressively English sounds resonate in your head in an increasingly natural way and how your pronunciation improves, without even realizing it.

Thai Black Sticky Rice Pudding

Homework: 10 minutes

Cook: 30 minutes

Rice soak: 4 hours

Total: 4 hours 40 minutes



Servings 5 - 6 people

Touch or position the cursor to scale

Video of the recipe above. Thai Black Sticky Rice Pudding is a traditional Thai dessert that is a favorite of upscale modern Asian restaurants for its striking jet-black color. It's hard to believe that you can make something so delicious that it is made primarily with just rice, water, and sugar!


1. Soak the rice: Place both kinds of rice in a bowl and cover them with water (5cm / 2 "above). Soak for 4 hours (up to 12 hours).

2. Strain the rice and put it in a pot.

3. Pandan Leaves: Add the knotted pandan leaves.

4. Simmer 30 minutes: Add 4 cups of cold water. Boil it. Lower the stove to simmer so that it simmers very gently (small slow bubbles). Cook over low heat for 30 minutes (without lid), stirring frequently for the last 15 minutes and almost constantly towards the end (so that the base does not catch).

You may also be interested to know about the following recipe khao neeo mamuang

5. Consistency: The rice should be soft / fully cooked, reduce the water and the sauce should be creamy, not watery (the starch in the rice thickens the water).

6. Add sugar: Add sugar and salt until dissolved (~ 20 seconds).

7. Ladle in Bowls - Should ooze slowly, not runny, or thick enough to sit on a mound.

8. Dressings: Mix the coconut cream with salt. Drizzle over the rice pudding. Top with toasted coconut and mango if using. Serve immediately.

1. Black Sticky Rice - Usually sold labeled as ' sticky rice, this is black Thai rice that becomes sticky when cooked and creates a creamy sauce from the starch. It tastes nutty. Find it in Asian and Thai grocery stores, or online, like here and here (Australia).

White Sticky Rice - The white rice equivalent does not have the same nutty flavor as black rice, but it is stickier. So blood sausage traditionally uses a combination of both to get the best consistency.

No sticky rice? Unfortunately, there is no substitute. If you only have ordinary white rice, I would recommend making this rice pudding instead, which is made with ordinary white rice. Use the COCO version (note 1) and omit the cinnamon and raisins, add coconut cream and coconut flakes for topping + mango for the Thai version.

2. Pandan Leaves - Herbaceous plant that resembles palm trees used in Southeast Asian cuisine. It imparts a distinctive fresh earthy flavor to dishes, there is no substitute. They are usually between 30 and 50 cm long.

Prepare by simply folding it as needed to fit in the pot, then tie a knot in the middle to hold it together and release a little extra flavor.

It is sold fresh and frozen in Asian stores and sometimes (🤞🏻) at Harris Farms in Sydney and Queensland.

Best Substitute - Kaffir lime leaves. Slightly different but clearly from Southeast Asia with similar hues. Use 2, crush in hand and drop into the water.

You do not have any? Be generous with the coconut cream topping. Add a nice touch of Asian flavor!

3. Palm Sugar - Sugar extracted from palm trees that have a wonderful caramel flavor. It comes in blocks and should be grated on a box grater so it dissolves easily. It is sold in large grocery stores in Australia (Coles, Woolies, Harris Farms) and in Asian stores.

4. Toasted Coconut Flakes - Spread out on a tray and toast in a 350 ° F / 180 ° C oven for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring once, until lightly browned.

Friday, August 27, 2021

3 reasons why English is important in a career

The beginning of our text has already addressed a little about the relevance of English in professional life. But let's be more direct and tell you why you should bet on our online English courses to start qualifying or to refresh your knowledge. Three reasons will be enough to convince you:

1. Better positions: the range of possibilities expands when the professional is fluent in English. Transnationals are examples of companies that can leverage your career. This can mean a good position, travel and even a position at a branch in another country.

2. Better salaries: a 53rd edition of the Catho Salary Survey showed significant variations on the salaries of those who do not know English, on those who have basic, medium, and advanced levels. Salary variations range from 20 to 61%. It's the kind of information that makes you think about the importance of investing in the future. You may also be interested to learn about English irregular verbs

3. International selection processes: have you ever thought you can apply for a job vacancy at the UN, for example? Yes, but for that, you need to know English, even if it is a vacancy in Brazil, in any of the agencies, programs, funds, etc. But there are vacancies around the world, in various positions and professional backgrounds.

These are excellent reasons for you to get motivated and start your studies right now. Enroll in our Basic English Online Course and give your career the best possible direction.

English for business

Known as Business English, Business English is aimed at creating specific situations simulating the corporate world. Like him, there are others, such as English for Tourism, Academic English, and others.

Business English is gaining more and more space in the market, mainly considering how undergraduate courses have expanded their lines of training in international business. In this case, vocabulary is the key point, as it is the technical and field terms that set the tone for learning.

Business English requires prior knowledge of the language. We put this topic to reinforce to you the idea that it even stops learn English in your area you will have to have passed basic English, hence the importance of our course as a first step.

In addition to this basic course, Educamundo offers other options for online courses with certificates aimed at teaching languages. If you need to train your skills in reading and interpreting texts in English, for example, we have the best options in this qualification.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Euro 2020: Daten, Veranstaltungsorte, Mannschaften, Spielpaarungen, Ticketinformationen, Coronavirus-Protokolle und Gruppen - alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Die UEFA hat sich bereits verpflichtet, dass alle 55 ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten die im Jahr 2018 vereinbarten Einnahmen aus der Euro 2020 erhalten. Berichten zufolge taucht die UEFA in ihre Barreserven ein, um den Überblick zu behalten. Daher ist das Geld, das durch Rundfunk- und Sponsoreneinnahmen generiert wird, von entscheidender Bedeutung .

Welche Länder nehmen an der Euro 2020 teil, in welchen Gruppen sind sie und wann werden die Mannschaften bestätigt?

Nachdem die Nationen ausgesät und bestimmte Teams auf der Grundlage der Austragungsspiele des Turniers in Gruppen eingeteilt worden waren, wurden die folgenden Gruppen für die Euro 2020 gezogen:

Gruppe A: Türkei, Italien, Wales, Schweiz

Gruppe B: Dänemark, Finnland, Belgien, Russland

Gruppe C: Niederlande, Ukraine, Österreich, Nordmakedonien

Gruppe D: England, Kroatien, Tschechische Republik, Schottland

Gruppe E: Spanien, Schweden, Polen, Slowakei

Gruppe F: Portugal, Frankreich, Deutschland, Ungarn

Die Kader der Euro 2020 werden voraussichtlich Ende Mai veröffentlicht. Sie können jedoch den neuesten Kader für jedes Land anzeigen, indem Sie oben auf den Namen klicken.

Was ist der Spielplan für die Euro 2020?

Der vollständige Spielplan für die Euro 2020 wurde bestätigt. Die Türkei gegen Italien ist das erste Spiel des Turniers am Freitag, den 11. Juni 2021, um 20 Uhr MEZ in Rom.

Das Finale findet einen Monat später, am Sonntag, den 12. Juli, um 20 Uhr in Wembley statt.

Sie können auch eine FourFourTwo Euro 2020-Wandkarte erhalten, die entweder kostenlos heruntergeladen werden kann oder eine Kopie der Mai-Ausgabe 2021 des Magazins enthält, die Sie hier kaufen können.

Wird es weiterhin Euro 2020 heißen oder wird es jetzt Euro 2021 heißen?

Nach der 12-monatigen Verzögerung der Euro 2020 bis zum Sommer 2021 war zunächst unklar, wie das neu arrangierte Turnier heißen würde. Nach einer internen Überprüfung bestätigte die UEFA jedoch, dass das Turnier weiterhin als Euro 2020 bekannt sein wird. Sie können auch lesen EM 2021 wetten

In einer Erklärung der UEFA heißt es: "Diese Entscheidung ermöglicht es der UEFA, die ursprüngliche Vision des Turniers beizubehalten, das anlässlich des 60. Jahrestages der Fußball-Europameisterschaft (1960–2020) stattfinden sollte.

"Es wird außerdem als Erinnerung daran dienen, wie die gesamte Fußballfamilie zusammengekommen ist, um auf die außergewöhnlichen Umstände der COVID-19-Pandemie und auf die schwierigen Zeiten zu reagieren, die Europa und die Welt im Jahr 2020 durchmachen mussten.

"Diese Wahl steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement der UEFA, die UEFA Euro 2020 nachhaltig zu gestalten und keine zusätzlichen Abfallmengen zu erzeugen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Verschiebung des Turniers war bereits viel Markenmaterial produziert worden. Eine Namensänderung für die Veranstaltung hätte bedeutet die Zerstörung und Vervielfältigung solcher Gegenstände. "

Jetzt wissen Sie also, warum es Euro 2020 heißt, obwohl es im Jahr 2021 stattfindet.

Zwischen welchen Terminen soll die Euro 2020 jetzt stattfinden?

Die Europameisterschaft findet zwischen dem 11. Juni und dem 11. Juli 2021 statt, nachdem sie ab Sommer 2020 verschoben wurde.

Das erste Spiel wird noch zwischen Italien und der Türkei im Stadio Olimpico in Rom ausgetragen. Das Finale findet im Wembley-Stadion statt.

Dürfen Fans weiterhin an Spielen teilnehmen?

Ja, das ist der Plan. Derzeit wird die Euro 2020 nur ein Jahr später wie geplant an denselben Orten stattfinden.

Das Turnier wird nun an 11 statt an 12 Austragungsorten ausgetragen. Sevilla hat Bilbao ersetzt, während Dublin sich vom Hosting zurückziehen musste und die ursprünglich für Irland geplanten Spiele nach Sankt Petersburg und London verlegt wurden.

Sankt Petersburg und Baku haben ein Minimum von 50% bestätigt, während Amsterdam, Bukarest, Kopenhagen, Glasgow und Rom eine Kapazität von 25% bis 33% bestätigt haben.

München hat bestätigt, dass mindestens 14.500 Zuschauer empfangen werden können, während London eine Mindestkapazität von 25% bestätigt hat, die später für Ko-Spiele steigen sollte.

In welchen Ländern findet die Euro 2020 statt?

Nach einem UEFA-Treffen am 23. April werden nun 11 Länder die Euro 2020 ausrichten. Dies sind England, Schottland, Italien, Niederlande, Russland, Ungarn, Rumänien, Aserbaidschan, Dänemark, Deutschland und Spanien.

Was passiert mit Tickets für Ticketinhaber, wenn sie nicht an Spielen teilnehmen können?

Die UEFA geht derzeit davon aus, dass die Euro 2020 an den ursprünglich vorgeschlagenen Austragungsorten stattfinden wird - das Turnier wird jedoch weniger Zuschauer haben.

Wenn ein Spiel an seinem ursprünglichen Austragungsort gespielt wird - jedoch hinter verschlossenen Türen oder mit reduzierter Kapazität - erhalten Ticketinhaber eine volle Rückerstattung. Die UEFA bestätigte in diesem Jahr: „Wenn ein Spiel der UEFA Euro 2020 an einen Ort verlegt wird, der mehr als 50 km vom ursprünglichen Austragungsort entfernt ist, haben Ticketkäufer Anspruch auf eine vollständige Rückerstattung des Ticketpreises, wenn sie dies nicht können, oder will nicht teilnehmen “.

Da weitere Einzelheiten zu den endgültigen Austragungsorten und Kapazitäten des Wettbewerbs bekannt werden, wird die UEFA voraussichtlich einen neuen Termin für die Rückerstattung von Tickets festlegen. Weitere Neuigkeiten zu Tickets werden im April 2021 erwartet.

Was passiert, wenn es während der Euro 2020 zu einer neuen Welle von COVID-19 oder einem Ausbruch kommt?


Die UEFA ist zuversichtlich, dass ein Ausbruch des Coronavirus nicht die gesamte Euro 2020 zum Scheitern bringen wird, da für bestimmte Spiele möglicherweise noch Spielorte auf dem Tisch liegen - so wie es die Ko-Spiele der Champions League gezeigt haben.

Die UEFA soll noch kein offizielles Protokoll ausgearbeitet haben, das die Auswirkungen eines möglichen COVID-19-Ausbruchs im Sommer berücksichtigen soll. Wenn jedoch die Einzelheiten im April festgelegt werden, sollte dies klarer werden.

Wie kann ich Tickets für die Euro 2020 kaufen?

Euro 2020-Tickets wurden an mehreren Daten veröffentlicht. Das Bewerbungsfenster für das Turnier begann bereits im Juni 2019, als sich die Fans für eine lotterieähnliche Ziehung anmelden mussten. Im Juli und August 2019 erfuhren die Fans ihr Schicksal. Im Dezember wurde der Ticketverkauf für Fans qualifizierter Nationen wieder eröffnet.

Seitdem haben sich die letzten vier Teams für den Wettbewerb qualifiziert. Schottland, Nordmakedonien, Ungarn und die Slowakei haben den Wettbewerb über die Play-offs der UEFA Nations League erreicht. Fans dieser Teams können Tickets separat beantragen. Die UEFA gibt die Verkaufstermine im April 2021 bekannt.

Wie kann ich Tickets für das Euro 2020-Finale bekommen?

Tickets für das Finale sind bereits im Verkauf. Diese wurden zusammen mit Tickets für alle anderen Phasen des Wettbewerbs im letzten Sommer veröffentlicht.

Die endgültigen Tickets für die Euro 2020 sollten im April 2020 weiterverkauft werden. Eine weitere Aktualisierung der Tickets ist für April 2021 geplant

In welchem ​​Land finden die meisten Euro 2020-Spiele statt?

Im Wembley-Stadion in London werden bei der Euro 2020 die meisten Spiele aller Austragungsorte ausgetragen. Dort werden acht Spiele ausgetragen - einschließlich Finale und Halbfinale.

Ursprünglich war für Belgien der Bau eines neuen Nationalstadions, des Eurostadions, in Brüssel geplant. Das Eurostadion wurde jedoch vom Austragungsrecht für eine Handvoll Spiele des Turniers im Dezember 2017 befreit, wobei die UEFA Unsicherheit darüber anführte, ob das Projekt abgeschlossen sein würde. Das könnte Sie auch interessieren EM 2021 Spielplan

Ist die Qualifikation zur Euro 2020 noch nicht abgeschlossen?

Nein. Die letzten vier Mannschaften wurden am 12. November 2020 mit dem Abschluss der Play-offs der UEFA Nations League entschieden. Ungarn, die Slowakei, Schottland und Nordmakedonien konnten sich die letzten Plätze beim Turnier sichern.

Welcher Ball wird für die Euro 2020 verwendet?

Wie bei großen internationalen Turnieren üblich, wird Adidas den Ball für die Euro 2020 liefern. Der Ball heißt Uniforia - ein Portmanteau aus „Einheit“ und „Euphorie“. Er ist hauptsächlich schwarz und weiß, ähnlich wie die Telstar-Bemühungen der letzten Weltmeisterschaft , nur mit fluoreszierenden Farbblitzen.

Werden Euro 2020-Teams vor dem Turnier geimpft?

Es scheint unwahrscheinlich - die UEFA hat keine offizielle Haltung, aber Quellen haben die UEFA als "sehr zweifelhaft" bezeichnet.

Die Premier League verfolgt einen "Wait our Turn" -Ansatz für Impfungen, da in Großbritannien der COVID-19-Impfstoff zunächst nach Alter und Anfälligkeit ausgegeben wird. Es ist eine schlechte PR für Athleten, sozusagen "die Warteschlange zu überspringen", insbesondere wenn Blasen für europäische Elite-Clubs in dieser Saison weitgehend erfolgreich waren.

Es ist weitaus wahrscheinlicher, dass Nationen wie Clubs in Blasen geraten.

Wer sind die Schiedsrichter für die Euro 2020?

Die Schiedsrichter der Euro 2020 wurden am 21. April 2021 von der UEFA bestätigt. Insgesamt gibt es 18 Schiedsrichter aus ganz Europa, zwei englische Schiedsrichter, Anthony Taylor und Michael Oliver.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Best Dating Apps for Free: Choose your Favorite and Get a Partner in No Time

With the development of new technologies, today it is impossible not to find ways to link. Just a few years ago, the best thing we had was social media, especially Facebook. If we go a little further back, it was even worse since only face-to-face meetings counted. However, smartphones came with dating apps to completely change the way we get on a date.

While it is true, these tools offered some resistance, but little by little it has been disappearing. Dating apps are fast becoming the normal way to meet people, interact and start a relationship.

The expansion and popularity of these apps have led to the creation of dozens of them, unfortunately, not all of them are recommended. It's good to keep an eye on it before signing up for the first app you see. But here I have gathered only the best free cuckold dating applications that you can find.

1. Meetic: One of the most widespread dating applications

Meetic is one of the most widespread dating applications in Europe for being committed and serious. People who sign up for Meetic are looking for a stable relationship and will surely find it here. The chances are very high because there are millions of registered users and on average 50k of them are actively connected at any one time. Find a more detailed description of this site in the Meetic review and opinions. 

2. Tinder: The most famous free dating app

Tinder is probably the best known of the dating apps. A huge number of young people use the tool to find a partner and its undeniable success since 2012 is due to the way it works. Perhaps there is a misconception about Tinder relationships, thinking that it is just an application to have sex. But that's not true. A large percentage of people who use Tinder are interested in starting a formal relationship and even marriage. Here you can learn more about knowing more about Tinder.

3. Lovoo

This spectacular application appeared in 2011 and quickly began to grow. In a short time it already had more than 70 million users, which is outrageous. Currently, although it is no longer growing as fast as at the beginning, it continues to add new subscribers. The trust you get from people is very good. The reputation is one of the best we can get and that is why it is still one of the best applications to flirt for free. If you need to know more, here's the full Lovoo review.

4. Bumble

Bumble moves away from traditional dating platforms by giving women a more leading role. Only the girls in this application can start a conversation and not the men. When two people like each other, then the girl can decide whether to write to the boy or not. It has been an original idea and it has been quite popular, so its growth has been rapid and is now one of the most popular and remarkable today. Do you want to know how it works to register? Here is all the information about Bumble.

5. Liruch

It is one of the most recent proposals in this market. Liruch has opted to apply certain variations in its operation that give it positive results and the truth is that in a very short time it has grown exponentially. More importantly, Liruch is more focused on more casual relationships and encounters than on joining partners for life. Users can connect with people of the opposite gender or the same sex. Take a closer look at how Liruch works. 

6. POF (Plenty of Fish)

For those who want to sign up for free dating apps, POF is one of the best proposals. Despite the fact that most of its users are in Anglo-Saxon countries, growth in Spain has been unbridled. It has been very popular in the Iberian Peninsula, reaching a notable impact. Incredibly, POF has more than 100 million users worldwide. An impressive number of new people join every day, and according to the site's records, more than a million relationships are made each year. Read all the analyses and opinions about POF.

7. Happn

Available for any operating system on mobile devices, Happn is the application of choice for more than 70 million users worldwide. It works with geolocation and the objective is to connect those people who are close to each other or who have even crossed each other on the street, at least within a radius of 250 meters. It is undoubtedly an interesting proposal with pros and cons, but one that has paid off for the company, especially in large cities.

8. Badoo

Badoo is a very versatile dating app that fits very well wherever you need it. It could be from your Android mobile or iPhone, but also from your computer. Although it seems that Badoo has had better years, especially in 2006, the year of its birth, it is still among the best applications to flirt for free. Currently, about 60 million people log into Badoo and it is available in more than 190 countries. For more opinions and reviews: Full Badoo review.

9. eDarling

eDarling is one of the most serious dating websites. In fact, it is well known for being expressly designed for the most demanding users and for compatibility tests, which are not few. These tests were created by psychologists with the intention that users have more accurate results. And they have not failed because eDarling is the most successful page in terms of satisfactory matches with stable and long-lasting partners. This is the full review and analysis of eDarling. You may also be interested in cuckold dating sites 

10. eHarmony

eHarmony not only helps you find a stable partner or a serious relationship. This application goes much further because what we are looking for here is Marriage! Incredibly, the site works so well that it is estimated that more than 500 people a day get married thanks to eHarmony. There is a lot of evidence and testimonials that it is one of the places that most people go to look for a life partner.

Comparison Between Best Dating Apps

Before spending your money to bet on a dating application, first, you have to be sure that, in effect, that portal offers what you need. You should be guided by the expert review, the opinion of previous users, but also what you are looking for. If, for example, you live in a not very populated city, it is best to bet on an application with millions of registered users in order to increase the chances of success.

In the same way, you must be clear about what type of relationship you are looking for if something casual or flat wants to start a serious love relationship. Don't be swayed by the price alone. Sometimes it is worth paying a little more for a service that will give you better benefits in the long run.

Ultimately, the safest bet is Meetic, an application for dating with an extraordinary journey, with millions of users around the world and with an excellent reputation. You can start there, getting the subscription, and try your luck. Do you want to register now? Just enter through the button below and may you do very well!

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Roof leaks: Find and repair leaks in your roof

Depending on the case, water infiltration in a house can be mild or downright catastrophic. A broken slate or a removed tile are things that can be repaired and won't cost you much. On the contrary, if the entire roof has to be redone, prices can go up very quickly. If you notice a leak in your roof, it is recommended that you quickly detect the causes and carry out renovation or repair work in the days that follow. If these water infiltrations are not treated in time, they can cause significant damage such as damage to the overall structure ( redoing the roof), deterioration of interior materials, or damage to insulation (wet glass wool no longer insulates properly).

The source of most roof leaks is difficult to find because it does not necessarily originate from where the leak is occurring. In order to find this source of a leak, you can hire a roofing tradesman to find, troubleshoot and repair a roof leak.

Leak in its roof: Where does the infiltration come from?

Check for a roof leak

Limit damage from a roof leak

Roof repair

Roof leaks and insurance

Leak in its roof: Where does the infiltration come from?

repair a roof leak

> In most cases, the infiltration in the roof is due to a fault in the roof. This can come from a broken tile, a damaged slate, degradation due to the installation of a window, or even natural wear due to time or poor maintenance.

+ Once the water passes through the free roof inspection san antonio, the path can be long, hence the difficulty of finding the origin of the leak. It can run along ducts, roof rafters, or on the upper face of the ceiling before finding a place to accumulate and drip, inevitably, in your living rooms.

Check for a roof leak

Tip 1. Check for the roof leak during the day. Equip yourself with a flashlight and go to the attic or attic. Use only paths that can support your weight, such as secure framing members, and never pass over the insulation or the direct top face of the ceiling as you risk crossing it. Start above where the leak appeared and work your way around, looking for traces of moisture along with the framing members.

Tip 2. If the weather has been dry for a while, look for visible watermarks, stains, or discolorations on the wood caused by humidity. In general, water penetrations are detected by blistered paint or stains appearing when it rains. Their origin is always difficult to determine because water does not necessarily come out where the roof failure is located. It is therefore imperative to carry out a professional diagnosis to guess the origin.

Tip 3. Try to find a hole where daylight can pass through the roof.

For this kind of renovation work, we recommend that you go through roofing professionals before it is too late and the repair of your roof costs you too much. The roofer may intervene on the roof, depending on the damage linked to the infiltration of other craftsmen who will have to work on the site.

Limit damage from a roof leak

> If water permeates your ceiling, drill a hole through it to facilitate drainage. Rather than impregnating the plasters and peeling off the paint. If it rains, the water will flow right through the ceiling and you can collect it in a basin and repair the leak when the weather clears.

> Out of all control, water flowing inside a roof repair san antonio can go far and cause damage in hard-to-reach areas. Tie one or more lengths of string to the watercourse and place a bucket underneath. The leak will thus be largely channeled to the container.

Roof leaks and insurance

roofers renovation tiles

Before starting your work, it is important to check your home insurance which contains a guarantee against roof leaks. Indeed, if you have home insurance, you can have your roof renovation work taken care of by the insurer. Another solution, if you have proof of the good maintenance of your roof and if you are covered by the ten-year guarantee, you can call into question the builder or the roofer who intervened in the construction of your house.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Tips for Choosing Office Furniture

The article that I am going to provide below is advice for choosing office furniture where you have to allow to highlight a pleasant environment and a place where your best ideas should emerge, together that is why you have to establish your first office or set up a workplace that is very important where you must choose the right furniture so that you can do your job in the best way.

The office is one of the spaces where you spend the most time of the day, so the elements that need to be taken care of the most are the office furniture, also when it comes to the workspace, it is not only inhabited to perform the functions it requires the position but it is necessary that it be the most comfortable environment possible to make your office a pleasant and cozy space.

Therefore, in this sense, furniture plays an important role when designing and implementing workspaces and will have a decisive influence on the productivity of your office . Now I am going to offer you some tips that can help you to leave your office in optimal conditions so that you can work in a pleasant way.


The desk is an important part of an office, which is widely used to organize your affairs and lay the foundations of your business. Therefore, it is recommended that it be spacious, so it should not occupy most of the space in your work environment, especially look for a desk 70 centimeters high, 120 centimeters wide and 70 deep.

This is also a sufficient area to work comfortably and ensure that your surface is with a matte finish and to avoid reflections that annoy your eyes.


Because you will be sitting for a long time in your office, so you must find the ideal chair that is a fundamental part where it has to be an ergonomic model that is adjustable in height and backrest, in addition to having a padded seat. And it is very important that it has a base with wheels that can adapt to your movements and allow a better movement.


These types of furniture allow you to store your files, books, notebooks and other office supplies to get a good job, so these models with doors or drawers will help you keep private documents out of sight for a greater feeling. order.


If your work environment requires the holding of several meetings or meetings, you can choose to place a table in your office so that you avoid being transferred to another room. It is also ideal that the table is round so that you can host a greater number of attendees where you have to choose the appropriate size and available to your office.


In addition to the central lighting of the office, you must adopt a desk lamp that you can direct towards the keyboard or towards the papers on your desk in the absence of natural light.


To complement the furniture of your office, you should put some works of art on the walls and be able to personalize your environment. Therefore you can recreate some posters or a framed lithograph that can be used for your office giving it a pleasant place.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Protect Your Furniture From The Sun

For our furniture to remain in good condition, the care that is given is crucial. One of the factors that can damage furniture is the sun. But so that this element does not affect the state of your furniture, we share some tips to protect the furniture in your home or business.


Each type of material requires different measures to protect the sun. However, there are some recommendations that apply to all types of furniture, regardless of the material:

Close curtains or lower blinds. Keeping curtains and blinds closed during the sunniest hours of the day will prevent the sun's rays from penetrating directly onto the furniture.
Cover the furniture. Protect the furniture from the sun's rays with a lining or cover.
Light colors. Furniture in light colors is more resistant to sunlight, as opposed to stronger and darker tones that are the first to deteriorate in the sun.

Leather furniture

Leather is a material that tends to get very dry if it is not hydrated from time to time, and it can lose its natural color. To avoid these problems, a suggestion is to thoroughly clean the furniture every 6 months or so with essential oils or moisturizers.

In case the furniture is already pale and dry, it is best to go to a professional so that they can restore the original color and texture.

Fabric furniture

Many fabric furniture can become dull and look dull. However, some fabrics such as natural fabrics (wool and cotton) or nylon, acrylic, and polyester can be more durable. On the contrary, linen and silk are those most at risk when exposed to the sun.

The best option to protect fabric furniture, as with leather, is to cover it with a cover or keep it in the shade when not in use. Use elements that reduce the incidence of light on the fabric.

Wooden furniture

Wood is the material with which you may need to be most careful, as damage caused by the sun is very difficult to reverse. To protect wooden furniture and prevent it from leaving it pale and dry, the ideal is to use a sealer, a protector, or a special varnish.

Something important to consider is that the varnish used does not affect the natural properties of the wood, that it does not leave bad residual odors, and that it has a prolonged action.

Now take note of these tips so that sunlight is not a problem for the furniture of your spaces and that your furniture always looks impeccable. At Mobydec we want you to have the furniture you want, to have the perfect space for your home or business, keeping it in perfect condition.